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Samantha Guyatt CNP, BPHE
Certified Nutritional Practitioner / Holistic Nutritionist  (Institute of Holistic Nutrition)
Bachelors of Physical Education (Honours at Brock University)
Extended Education in Holistic Pregnancy & Fertility (In
stitute of Holistic Nutrition)
Postal Worker / Letter Carrier (Canada Post)

Without a doubt, the foods we eat and our everyday lifestyle impact the nutrients available for our body to perform its everyday tasks. 


Do you give your body access to everything it needs? 


What roadblocks are in place? ​​


When the body becomes out of balance, dis-ease occurs, and we can witness this via obvious (and less obvious) symptoms. The journey of health is learning how to listen to our own body. 


​Changes in functionality may mean it is time to schedule with a practitioner/doctor who specializes in naturopathy/nutrition/health & wellness coaching, etc.


To book an appointment with Samantha email If a NIH appointment doesn't seem to fit, we can direct you to a practitioner who may better suit you. â€‹


Gift Ideas,
Party Favours,
Thank-you Gifts,
Welcome Gifts,
& Gift Arrangements

Personalized batches, products, gift bags and unique labels. 


For example- I made "Baby Shower Thank You" lip balm labels for my baby shower. 



For all inquiries contact



Perfect Party Favours

Virtual Wellness Presentations

Via Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, etc. 


Includes a virtual presentation and questions/answers. Completely interactive. 


  • Employee Wellness Programs 

  • Corporate Wellness Programs 

  • Group Sessions 


Wholesale pricing for wellness goodie bags included.

Group Calls
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